Thursday, October 30, 2008

We made it!!!

As I type this, I'm looking out over downtown Beijing and watching the first glimpse of a blazing orange sunrise peeking over Beijing's mixture of ancient and super-modern rooftops. Such beauty so early in the trip has to be a good sign, I think!

Travel went very well, thanks to business class upgrade miles donated by my dad. Our seats reclined ALL THE WAY, which was lovely. I ate a couple of good Japanese meals, watched a movie ("Baby Mama" - predictably bad, but it seemed somehow appropriate considering the circumstances...) and slept most of the rest of the way. That is definitely the way to travel - too bad we can't afford to do it more often!

Thanks to those of you who are reading and posting - I appreciate all of you more than I can say.

Today we take a tour of Beijing's Forbidden City and Summer Palace. Tonight we have dinner with a woman and her husband who I connected with through the awesome Beijing CWI Yahoo group - she's also adopting through my agency, and we meet our kids on the same day! Tomorrow morning is orientation and tomorrow afternoon... ta da... is Quinn time!!!!!

After all this time, I can't believe it's finally here. I also wonder if I'll ever again have a chance to sit down at my computer and leisurely type away as I watch the sunrise. Unlikely, I suspect. But really, do I care? Not on your life!!

Note to you bloggers out there: How do I post pictures in the text instead of having them all show up at the top of the post???? The bottom two pictures are of us on the plane. The top one is in the very fancy Beijing airport. A Chinese-Hawaiian woman on our flight took it for us. We told her we were in China to adopt a baby and she was very happy for us. She said, "I had three Chinese babies!" Cracked us up.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

When you upload your picture there are four boxes below the browse button. Click left or right and then drag them down to where you want them. I'll be watching your trip - it is something I really want to do soon. Best of luck. Kelly in SC